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Choose the sealant according to your own usage
2020-06-17 16:30:26

Sealant is a kind of material widely used in our life. It is a kind of similar ointment, which is a kind of adhesive commonly used in family. Its main components are sodium silicate (Na2O · msio2), acetic acid and organic silicone. Once the material is exposed to the air, it will solidify and play a role of adhesion, and the adhesion performance of different types of silicone adhesive is not the same. Deacetylation, dealcoholization and deamination are the main components of silicone adhesive. Because the cured silicone adhesive is translucent, it is also called glass adhesive.


Silicone adhesive has a lot of excellent properties, the bonding performance of silicone adhesive is very strong, and even if the temperature changes greatly, it will not be greatly affected. At the same time, the smell of silicone adhesive is relatively light, so silicone adhesive can be used in many places, and has a very high application value. It is a very important material in the construction industry, manufacturing industry, industry and so on.

Generally, the service life of construction engineering is more than 50 years. The components bear large and complex stress, which is directly related to the safety of people's life and property. Structural adhesive should be used as the adhesive. Structural adhesive is widely used in engineering, mainly used for reinforcement, anchoring, bonding, repair of components; such as bonding steel, bonding carbon fiber, planting reinforcement, crack reinforcement, sealing, hole repair, road nailing, surface protection, concrete bonding, etc.

The gluing machine is a kind of automatic equipment which controls and drips the coating such as adhesive, etc. It uses compressed air to send the coating to the rubber hose, and then through the program control, the coating is dripped or coated according to the preset path.

The price of sealant is not the higher the better, there are many kinds of sealant, silicone sealant, polyurethane sealant, polysulfide sealant and so on. And each kind of sealant classification is different, it has different classification standards, can be classified according to the base material, can also be classified according to the purpose, can also be classified according to the performance. But the price of sealant is not the higher the better. Only suitable sealant is good. Choose the sealant needed according to the usage of your own method, which is good. Second, remind consumers to pay attention to whether the product capacity is enough when purchasing sealant. If the sealant capacity and the marked capacity are less, such sealant should be eliminated first, because such enterprises have problems and the product is not so good. If the capacity is too much, it is also a problem, which proves that the production process control of the purchased products is not strict, and the quality may not be very good.